Coaching Tools
Group Bar Charts
This tool creates a Group Bar Chart. The top of each bar represents the maximum individual score for each Life Language. The middle bar represents the group score. The bottom of the bar represents the minimum individual score for that language. The size of the bar is an indication of whether the group is closely aligned on that language (small bar) or not (large bar).
You can add and remove team members from the group by clicking on the checkbox next to their name. Click on the name of a team member to see their individual profile.
Click on a column heading to sort in descending/ascending order of that Life Language. A line is drawn at the 50 mark, indicating which team members are fluent in that Life Language.
Have the group discuss each Life Language in turn starting with the first. Sort the table by clicking on the header for that Life Language so they can see which individuals are the strongest in that Language. They should have their quick reference guide handy for this exercise.
- How closely is the group aligned on that Language? How might that affect discussions?
- How many people are fluent in that Language? Is there anyone that might "run out of gas" if you speak that Language for too long?
- Looking at the weaker Life Languages, how might they affect the thinking of the group? Who is the group might need to speak up at that point to provide a missing perspective?
Depending on time, you may want to limit the discussion to just the top few Languages.
Now have the group look for any gaps or compressions in the Languages.
- If you find a gap (i.e. the gap > 10) there is a conscious switching cost that might need to occur to speak that language. How will that affect group discussions and decisions? How might they signal that a change in Language is desired in a discussion?
- If you find a compression (i.e. the gap < 5) the group may switch between Languages without hesitation or even thinking. Who in the group might find this challenging or confusing? What might the group do to mitigate this?
This is great opportunity to teach the team about signaling whenever they notice they have switched Languages or when they want to explicitly switch Languages. Signaling is using key phrases to indicate the change in Language, just like switching lanes on the highway. For example, to switch from the Shaper to the Producer language you can say something like "I appreciate the good planning here, let's talk about resources and time for a bit." Or, if everyone is cognizant of the Life Languages you can explicitly call out the switch: "I appreciate the Shaper but I'd like to ask some Producer questions if everyone is ok with that."
Multiple (CSV)
- Copy your group data from the group report into this Excel table
- Save as a CSV file locally.
- Open the CSV file in a text editor like WordPad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac).
- Copy the CSV data and paste into the CSV Formatted Data field on this page.
- Click the submit button to see your report.
Multiple (JSON)
To use:
- Copy your group data from the group report into this Excel table.
- Save as a CSV file locally
- Go to the following web page:
CSV to JSON button. - Copy the contents of the Result Data field on that page into the JSON Formatted Data field on this page.
- Click the submit button to see your report.
N.B. JSON is best used programmatically. In this case, the JSON encoded data is appended to the URL. For example:
let person1 = { fullName: "John Smith", companyName: "Acme Inc", mover: 65, doer: 77, ... }; let person2 = { fullName: "Jane Doe", companyName: "Acme Inc", mover: 56, doer: 88, ... }; let data= [ person1, person2 ]; let cTargetURLPrefix = ""; let str = JSON.stringify(data); let url = new URL(`${cTargetURLPrefix}?json=${encodeURIComponent(str)}`); window.location.href = url;