Brilliant leadership is not accidental...


The Relationship Matters framework is a teachable mindset and skill set that allows you to boost your EQ, your emotional intelligence


The Life Languages™ system is all about understanding what we need from others, our filter through which we process information, our driving passion and motivation, and our key character strengths. Building self-awareness boosts the character aspects of our emotional intelligence.

Assess your seven Life Languages™ and their order of fluency and how to recognize and react to them in others

Understand the four keys that will unlock any Life Language so you can see why you, and others, do what you do

See how you can prevent predictable distress patterns and reduce stress


Engagement EQ is about honing the right skills that we need in order to communicate effectively. Knowing how to develop a relatable mindset and engage others in meaningful conversation to ensure understanding boosts the engagement aspects of our emotional intelligence.

Understand the three realities you must face to become a brilliant leader

Learn the five conversations that will change the way that you engage and drive buy-in and accountability

See how your six responsibilities as a leader impact your management and decision-making style

We Offer

On-site Customized Team Learning Experiences

Relationship Matters provides unique and relevant learning experiences that not only promote team building but educate. Let us construct a tailored plan based on the needs of your organization.

Classes and Workshops to Boost You and Your Team's EQ

Whether online or in person, the Relationship Matters curriculum is suited to helping your team boost their EQ in ways that fit into your work schedule easily.

One on One Executive Coaching

Coaching by Relationship Matters is a tailored look at your unique situation and provides perspective to help you be your brilliant best.

Some of Our Customers

"In a time of deepening relational divide,

Relationship Matters has the answers"