MenuFrom Normal to NobleWhich Conversation?Courageous ConversationComforting ConversationConnecting ConversationCollaborating ConversationConciliatory ConversationAbout CharacterPrayers From Normal to NobleWhich Conversation?Courageous ConversationComforting ConversationConnecting ConversationCollaborating ConversationConciliatory ConversationAbout CharacterPrayers Which ConversationIs there an issue that needs discussion? No issue Yes, there is an issue Are you just checking in or do you need to decide something? Just checking in We need to decide something Are you involved directly in the issue? I am not involved I may be at fault, I'm not sure I am definitely at faultYou need to use the following conversation framework: Courageous Conversation You need to use the following conversation framework: Comforting Conversation You need to use the following conversation framework: Connecting Conversation You need to use the following conversation framework: Collaborating Conversation You need to use the following conversation framework: Conciliatory Conversation Copyright © Relationship Matters. All Rights Reserved.